
Showing posts with the label Ollie Trevers

Sophie Kilburn - Aussie Scots - Oliver Spalding - Martha Bean - Ollie Trevers

Sophie Kilburn first single ahead of her upcoming E.P is 'Indigo Fever'. At the centre are Sophie's striking vocals and she surrounds them with a more than complimentary musical arrangement, that gives the song even further edge. The aptly named Aussie Scots share the brisk and pleasing 'Phenomena,' a song that mixes fresh indie rock with a hint of folk, and a good few hooks I might add. Ahead of his debut album Oliver Spalding has shared 'Xanax' a beautiful song that showcases his fabulous vocals, and excellent songwriting abilities. From Martha Bean we have 'Along The Lonely' which is a beautiful folk song. The vocals are melodic and more than capable of upping the power, the musical backdrop ditto, there's an E.P on the way, this is a superb advert for that. Someone likened Ollie Trevers to Jeff Buckley and I thought that's one incredible artist to measure anyone with. 'Stage Of Fools' confirms the comparison is not hyp