
Showing posts with the label Mutant Thoughts

Mutant Thoughts - Ivan Moult - Mark W. Georgsson - Natalie Schlabs

Mutant Thoughts have no intention of being locked into any particular genre as the new song 'Breaking Views' ably demonstrates, it's also a marvelous musical ride. === Ivan Moult shares 'What More Could I Say?' today, it's also a glimpse of what's to come as his enticing vocals shine against a musical backdrop that breathes clarity === Glasgow based troubadour Mark W. Georgsson brand new song 'True Love' is a melodic and beautiful song, simple as that really. === Natalie Schlabs shares 'That Early Love' accompanied by a creatively matched video, the song itself is more than able to stand for itself, so it's a gorgeous combination. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mutant Thoughts - Breaking Views. Bristol-based cerebral rock trio Mutant-Thoughts are a band devoted to a new kind of musical fusion and sonic experimentation - and their latest release Breaking Views is certa