Midweek Muse: Super Paradise - Beatrix Players - Stella Rio - Golden Daze
Super Paradise - The F.C. Background - Born in Milan, and now based in London, Super Paradise have just burst onto the garage scene in the UK with their debut album Quencebo: twenty minutes of high-octane rotary psych, both frenetic and melodious fusing the genres of garage, synth pop and psychedelia. Originally written and recorded by lead singer and guitarist Francesco Roma in his hometown, Milan, the record sees the collaboration of Nico Spreafico on backing vocals and now as guitarist in the live line-up. Since moving to the UK, they inspired keyboardist Juliet Styles and drummer Bradley Smith to join to create the full line up. Building on the edgy energy of Thee Oh Sees, the rough sounds of Parquet Courts and the soundscapes of New Order, the result is a hypnotic amphetamine rush with dizzying catchy melodies. Bandcamp here , and Facebook here . Taken from the debut release 'Quencebo' we have chosen to feature the first track 'The F.C.' The song is a fine