
Showing posts with the label Keegan Chambers

MARBL - Alicia Toner - Keegan Chambers - The Felice Brothers

MARBL - Never Get Out. When you break up with someone you love fully, you can't really let them go. Apparently, it happens, but there's always a room in your heart, one only you know, where your lover still lingers in. I remember the moment I realized that he might never get thin enough to leave through the door to his room in my heart, and how I wrote it down immediately. This song was written not long after the latter single "It's Always Our O'clock Somewhere", and it goes together with its message, that I think a lot about lately - love is the energy of life, the answer to our constant questioning, the merging point between the random and the sacred, so when it's over, it can't really be over, it has to go somewhere.“ - MARBL The video by Tomer Levi shows a dark cloud following MARBL everywhere as a metaphor of not being able of letting go but finally disappearing in the end. MARBL, who also works as a vocal coach in Tel-Aviv, was able to generate

Keegan Chambers - atmig - Terah Lynn - Kev Gray & The Gravy Train feat Elise Palmer

We are back with a catch up on some recent songs that came our way during our break. We are going to be making some changes this year, the first of which is this. Our policy is to only feature new music we really like (& often love). Regulars here will probably take that as a given. So by being featured on Beehive Candy that is our endorsement and recommendation.  To keep this site going we are no longer going to comment on each song, we will just use any promotional material provided to give some background. We will also no longer do any additional research.  We no longer have any income streams and everything is done in our spare time, so these changes are essential. Let's just allow the music to do the talking ( or singing )! =================================================== Keegan Chambers - Not Waiting. Keegan Chambers’ latest release looks and sounds like it could be the intro to your new favourite HBO series. The alternative pop rock song, titled Not Waiting, was origi