Showing posts with label Drew Worthley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drew Worthley. Show all posts

Monday, 8 February 2016

Two Good Ones: Drew Worthley - Strange Fiction

Drew Worthley - John Proctors Lament.

Background - Drew Worthley is an East London musician who crafts a curious blend of cerebral indie-pop with a twist of lyrical Americana. His newly released sophomore record 'Crucible', recorded at Echo Zoo Studios has been praised by Louder Than War as 'one of the albums of the year without doubt.' The 'blisfully atypical' collection of songs explores memory, economics, London and literature, weaving heartfelt vocals around a smorgasbord of analogue synths, guitars, flugelhorns and battered drums.

Crucible has been receiving regular airplay on BBC 6 Music, BBC London and BBC Introducing, numerous features on Baeble Music and 'Tune of the Day' recommendations on Amazing Tunes. Drew will be touring in early spring 2016.

Yet another one of those 'ones to watch out for' artists, and some! 'John Proctors Lament' is but a toe in the water as an introduction to Drew Worthley. Plenty of buzz and notice already for Drew, and not surprising, this is fine music on a grand scale.


Strange Fiction - Icarus' Last Night.

Background - Strange Fiction Release 'Icarus' Last Night', the second single from their debut album 'Orange'

Strange Fiction, an alternative rock band based in London/Barcelona, formed in early 2014. Carlos (vocals), Sergi (guitar), Marc (bass) and Joel (drums) released their debut album 'Orange', in June 2015 to hugely positive reviews. An inspired body of work, 'Orange' presents a compelling blend of influences and reference points from Incubus to Red Hot Chili Peppers, Carlos Palacio to Bruno Mars.

2015 saw Strange Fiction touring hard across the UK and Spain, doing more than twenty-five dates in both countries. The band's astonishing on stage energy has helped them to build a solid and loyal fan base that suggests this band have a very promising future. 

'Icarus Last Night' is a slick and catchy rock track. The band separate themselves from the pack with equally punchy and harmonised vocals, along with what I would describe as 'well oiled' musicianship.


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