Kluster B - Rhythm Express featuring Bill King - Broken Up
We have featured Kluster a few times in the past, they appear to have morphed into Kluster B however the music remains original and creative as new song 'Love Must Conquer' clearly demonstrates. === Something for all blues lovers thanks to Rhythm Express featuring Bill King and their wonderful delivery of 'Driftin' Blues'. === Italian Darkwave act Broken Up have just released 'The Cage' a brooding mixture of constant rhythm, gliding synths, and refined vocals. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Kluster B - Love Must Conquer. Kluster B (fka Kluster) was founded by four friends and a virtual drummer in Malmö 2014, a real life drummer joined in shortly afterwards and the gang was complete. Since then, the quintet has been active on as well the Malmö indie scene as playing shows in Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm, supporting acts such as Frankie Cosmos, Omni and Nicole Sabouné. Debut album 'civi