Tower Of Power - Ultrasonic Studios 1974
Reloaded 23/May/2015 - Beehive Candy may at times feel, less a labour of love and more a chore, when it comes to replacing our many lost files. However when we are reminded of fantastic performances such as this one and the musical diversity it adds to this site, it does make the whole replacement thing, seem a far more worthwhile project. A fine and funky concert complete with the full power house of rhythm is captured here on this recording of Tower Of Power and fit for 'Bumpsters' everywhere! Recorded with an appreciative audience at Ultrasonic Studios Hempstead, NY, USA back on May 14th, 1974 this is a superb example of the band who continue to impress and perform today. Some background from Wikipedia here that covers up to the time of this concert - The roots of the band go back to the summer of 1968, when tenor saxophonist/vocalist Emilio Castillo met Stephen "Doc" Kupka, who played baritone sax. Castillo had played in several bands, but it was Castil